
About the Artist

This is the work of artist Lucila Bussola. She is an artist that lets her subconscious take over her creations. There is hidden subliminal messages of love in binary code throughout all her pieces. 
Lucila creates so that she is able to vocalize feelings she cannot make sense of until she sees it visually. This artist hopes to help others who have struggled with the same issues as she has. Lucila wants to help others find their voice as she has.
This artist is highly inspired by her strange vivid dreams and/or images that pop into her mind. She feels that she channels these images and dreams to help and inspire others.
The reason why Lucila subconsciously chooses to draw women with no clothes or hair is because it represents the essence of your spirit. Without the material (clothes, shoes, makeup, hair styles), at our true core, this is what our true nature looks like.


The Fool

This piece is the first tarot card of the new collection by artist Lucila Bussola. The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.

Nice To Meet You

Transformation and rebirth can be tough but also exciting. The artist was feeling in a weird limbo state but she is starting to coming out of it renewed and ready to face the world again. She made this piece to represent looking at her past self and not recognizing those same thought patterns and beliefs. She is excited to be on this new path before her and creating new thoughts and belief systems.


Observing the duality of life. All things good and bad serve its purpose for something greater.

The Only Way Out Is Through

Sorting through emotions can be tough. It's important to allow yourself to feel all ranges of emotion, no matter how hard it can be.
Suppressing and resisting emotions can cause all types of issues. Allowing yourself to feel through your emotions is the only way to let them pass through you. Accept being human, having a wide range of emotions is a beautiful thing.

I Release The Past

This piece was inspired by a dream the artist had. It felt beautiful and ethereal. This dream was a few months ago and she can still visualize it clearly. Lucila was laying in hands of stone crying, while being consoled by an older woman across from her. She can’t remember what she said, but she remembers looking at the beautiful glistening water around her.
In this piece though, she feel it represents letting go of past versions of herself and her life to make room for the new. 

Finding My Way Back Home

The artist was dealing with ego death while making this piece. Struggling to gather her thoughts, she let herself sit with her emotions to find her way back to herself. 


"As I step into the unknown, I surrender to the divine and know that all is well.
As I step into the unknown I know that this is where I will grow the most.
As I step into the unknown I appreciate and embrace the impermanence that surrounds me.
For all that is meant for me will come to me effortlessly and all will work out the way it should.
As I step into the the unknown I embrace the uncertainty of now, for all that is to come will come and I find comfort in that fact.
The fact that there is limitless possibilities in the unknown. Your creativity knows no bounds, for you create your own reality and I choose to step into abundance, love, and light.
No matter the situation, I trust in the universe and myself that I will be taken care of."


This piece represents facing your subconscious and breaking down the patterns that no longer serve you. Looking at yourself with unconditional love and healing the inner-child.

On The Other Side Of Fear

This quote came to the artist in a dream and she felt that she finally over-came her self limiting beliefs. Now she can apply herself to the fullest no matter how much she fears what’s on the other side.